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Status Tap Scroll To Top In PhoneGap Apps On IOS

Status Tap Scroll To Top In PhoneGap Apps On IOS

you can register tap events on the status bar and handle this all in code. With an event listener. if the content that you are displaying in the phonegap app is bigger then the bounds of the webview, the scroll happens automatically.. Web pages on iOS by default have a "momentum" style scrolling ... scroll; /* has to be scroll, not auto */ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }.. ... up in Cordova/PhoneGap apps by tapping the status bar in iOS. ... scroll up in your app by simply tapping the status bar on the top of the.... I'll briefly introduce hybrid mobile app development, including its benefits and drawbacks. ... Examples are Adobe PhoneGap and ... Check out the full code of the native-looking header bar for iOS, ... the scroll position during momentum, event handling, customization of effects and scrollbars, etc.. It would be nice to have an option to enable scrolling to the top of the ... .com/2013/10/08/status-tapscroll-to-top-in-phonegap-apps-on-ios/.... Status Tap/Scroll To Top in PhoneGap Apps on iOS ... to scroll a container back to the top, just by tapping on the operating system's status bar.. Status Tap/Scroll To Top in PhoneGap Apps on iOS ... One criticism of PhoneGap apps that I sometimes hear is that they often don't have standard features.... In my Cordova App I want my app to scroll up when status bar is clicked, ... cannot be on top of the native status bar in order to catch the tap/click event. ... Nope, it is not working for me on iPhone as its statusbar is outside of.... iOS 11 changes behaviour around how the status bar interacts with the WebView. ... apps that use fixed position header bars when they are built for iOS 11. ... For apps showing in a webview like Cordova, this often meant detecting the iOS version ... As you scroll down, it will move up behind the status bar.. Using -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch provides native-like scrolling on iOS web apps. However, when using it on any element other than document.body , it will break the native scroll-to-top behavior when tapping the status bar. This tiny ... (iOS 5-7); both on Mobile Safari and within UIWebview (e.g. PhoneGap or Tapping on the status bar (very top of the iPhone display) will jump you back to the top of your current app, webpage, or social feed.. You are correct, most iOS apps, especially Apple's apps, do follow this beahvior. This has been fixed for for question listing and will look like this when you tap.... When I start scrolling in my app and then stop it (with a touch) on a link, ... I get this problem when I test the app with the PhoneGap app and on iPhone X (iOS 11.3) ... for e.g. 100ms (status is keept in a variable which is changed after 100ms). ... Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.. I'm using phonegap to wrap my application. Now there is just one feature I'm missing. When I have a list in my application and I tap the phone's.... Update: I've added "scrolling == unusable position:fixed element" based ... However, there's an increasing number of iOS apps I've noticed that are ... With iOS 5, MobileSafari also came with -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch .. One criticism of PhoneGap apps that I sometimes hear is that they often don't have standard features from the native operating system. .... Phonegap: Scroll top on statusbar tap - ios. ... One thing I am missing, is the following: The App should scroll to the top when the statusbar is tapped. I have already ... you can register tap events on the status bar and handle this all in code.. Control the device status bar. ... On iOS, allows the Cordova WebView to use default scroll-to-top behavior. Defaults to false so you can listen to the "statusTap".... you can register tap events on the status bar and handle this all in code. ... if the content that you are displaying in the phonegap app is bigger then the bounds of.... Phonegap: Scroll top on statusbar tap - ios. ... I want to implement "tap on status bar to scroll to top" for my app that is using custom scrolling. Is there...


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